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Colour context

This page is about 'colour context' and includes activities that will help you learn more about colour context.

Color Context

How color behaves in relation to other colors and shapes


Mini activity: Take several different coloured squares of paper. Compare the contrast effects of different color backgrounds for the same coloured square of paper multiple times. Write down how the square looked on it's new background each time. Switch the colour of paper that you are comparing as many times as you like. Pick the one you thought was most effective.

Eg. "Red appears more brilliant against a black background and somewhat duller against the white background. In contrast with orange, the red appears lifeless; in contrast with blue-green, it exhibits brilliance. Notice that the red square appears larger on black than on other background colors."


Observing the effects colors have on each other is the starting point for understanding the relativity of color. The relationship of values, saturations and the warmth or coolness of respective hues can cause noticeable differences in our perception of color.


text, courtesy of Color Logic and Color Logic for Web Site Design


Educators: I included this because I beleive that colour context is something that students struggle with quite often, and would benefit from learning before embarking on a full unit of work.

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